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Modeling Jobs/Organist Videos
Modeling Jobs/Organist Videos
We have an ongoing need for foot models and organists for a variety of photo shoots and videos.

Typical Jobs:
Still shots of foot modeling organ shoes on the pedals. No musical knowledge required.
Video of an organist playing a short piece on the pedals to demonstrate the use of organ shoes for pedalwork.
Locations: Western Massachusetts at local churches.
Duration: 1-2 hours of work.
Clothing: Please wear business casual. Models usually provide their own clothing. We will provide socks or nylons as required.
Appearance and Age: All ethnicities are encouraged to apply. We are looking for both genders, aged 20 to 45 years old. Must be nicely groomed, enthusiastic and charismatic. No visible tattoos.
How to apply: Email Brenda at Attach a photo of yourself and provide your contact information and mailing address. I will get back to you within a day or two.
Salary: $100/hour.